Vitamix owners know from personal experience that their Vitamix blenders produce the best “blends” on the market. Vitamix has developed a way to objectively validate these assertions!
Introducing the BQI (Blend Quality Index). Click Here to learn more about the BQI.
Vitamix designs every aspect of their blenders (I prefer to call them Total Nutrition Centers) to work in unison to create an unquestionably superior end result. The motor strength, the material quality in the blades, the shape and design of the container, the tamper, the controls – every aspect of every component of a Vitamix is built for quality and performance!
Competitors often claim that their “features” are superior. For example, one might claim that they have more horsepower, but “features” don’t equal performance. You can have greater input power without having greater output power. In other words, more power measured at one point going into a design does not always translate into more power as measured at another point in the design.
What really matters to the end user (where the rubber meets the road) is the final product.
Now there is an objective way to measure the end result. Marketing claims don’t really matter to a busy mom trying to get her toddler who doesn’t like “chunkies” to drink a SMOOTHie, or a budding chef trying to achieve the smoothest sauces. What really matters is the final product. The Vitamix is hands down the best machine for getting the smoothest blends, and this can be proved.
Vitamix Blenders (aka Total Nutrition Centers ?) without question produce the smoothest blends. This is what really matters, and this is how the competitor’s claims should be evaluated.
If you want the best blend, buy the blender guaranteed to give you the best blend. Hopefully the BQI will catch on as an industry standard measure of quality, but in the meantime do your own test. Find a way to try before you buy. Once you compare (for example) a green smoothie with Kale and blackberry seeds made in a Vitamix to the same recipe in any other blender, you will know from your own personal experience that a Vitamix is the superior product.
A “cheaper” alternative might seem better. Sadly, many people go through 1, 2, 3, 4, even 5-6 different blenders before they finally realize that the adage, “quality only hurts once” is true. Save yourself the expense and heartache. Don’t waste your time and money on inferior products.

How many blenders did you go through before you ended up with a Vitamix? Share your story in the comments below!
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By Lea Ann Savage – Copyright 2016
Oster. Hamilton Beach. Waring Commercial with the stainless steel container. While all worked “ok”, none even came close to being the rockstar that my VM is. I love it !
I’ve tried several blenders, including pricey ones like Kitchenaid and Breville. Loved my KA but it didn’t love my quest for the perfect smoothie and the motor gave out. The Breville was hyped as a great smoothie maker but it always left icy chunks and mushy veggie pieces even after running multiple cycles. Hubby finally caved and bought me a Vitamix for my birthday last year. Best. Gift. Ever!
I had a Nutribullet for a couple of years. Did not enjoy the chunks left in the smoothie – especially gross is the “hairball” from unblended ginger! It began to leak, the bottom gave off dust with every use because it began to wear out. Bought the 750 in RED and never looked back! We enjoy a smoothie almost every day for breakfast. I’ve made soups, sauces, hummus. I work in high risk OB and see lots of conditions brought on by bad nutrition and plan to avoid hypertension, diabetes, etc in my life.
I started with a semi costly blender which I managed to burn up inside of a month got another one a little more expensive that was supposed to be a heavy duty blender. Was more heavy duty than my first it lasted 3 months. Then I saw the info commercial and that was my 3rd mistake. It didn’t burn up because I didn’t use it after a few times I gave up trying to make a smoothie. Then came my VM. I could have almost bought 2 Vita Mix machines for what money I wasted in buying junk. Haven’t looked back. Finally got the best.
I have had several 6 button blenders (various brands), nutra bullet style blender and a food processor. Bought the 5200 Vitamix at Costco about a year ago. It has totally changed the way I cook and has caused me to start eating better, like I did when I was a kid growing up on the farm.
I have made coconut milk and almond milk, that is so good that my daughter is asking me to make some for her when she moves into her apartment in a couple of weeks.
It has even changed the way my husband makes his sauces for pasta.
I make more vegetable smoothies now and fresh fruit drinks that are amazing.
I am glad I finally purchased the Vitamix.
I burned out three blenders before I bought my Vitamix. Green smoothies cannot be done in regular blenders.
We went through two blenders a year. We’ve had our Vitamix 5200 for 6 yrs now. Use it 4-6 times a day. It has totally improved the healthy our family. My family drinks green smoothies daily.
My first blender was the Kitchenaid I got as a hand-me down.. In college, I bought a “new” blender for $6 from a couple returning to Asia. That lasted until a friend gave me her old cherry-red Oster when she bought a Vita-mix. Then I bought a Magic Bullet. In 2013, I FINALLY got Vita, and the dry container a year later. 🙂
I only had one blender prior. I received my vitamix as a gift. Now that I have it, cannot imagine my kitchen without a vitamix.
I honestly lost count of how many blenders I went through and wasted money on. I am sure it was at least six! All I wanted was to make a fruit smoothie, with some frozen ingredients! Not one, no matter the hype would make a reasonable smoothie without me having to stop, take the lid off, dig the ingredients up and try again, and again, and again.
I bought a blender years ago when a store was going out of business. I was pretty excited because I got a $50 blender for just $15. As soon as I got it home, I tossed in a bunch of fruit and some ice, and fired it up! There was a whirring sound and then… nothing. It was stuck, nothing with blended. It took me a good twenty minutes, poking and prodding with a spoon before I had something resembling a smoothie. After that, it went to the back of a cabinet, and I never really bothered with it again. Figuring blenders were more trouble than they were worth, I chalked it up to being an unnecessary kitchen gadget.
Fast forward five or six years, and I was at a Christmas bazaar where someone was doing a Vitamix demo. I tried a smoothie sample, and it was delicious! The best I’d ever had, in fact. And he had made it so quickly, so easily! I told myself that I would definitely need one of these one day when I had more counter space in my kitchen.
A few hours later, my husband and I happened to be in Whole Foods. There was another Vitamix demo going on. I’d never even heard of it before, and now here it was, twice in one day. I dragged my husband over to watch, going on and on about how good the smoothie I’d tried earlier had been. The demonstrator, Scott, blew my mind when he told me that it could make soup and even ice cream! I must’ve stayed there for a half hour, watching all of the things Scott could make, and being shocked by how easily he could clean the jar between items.
I fell in love and got the Vitamix that very night! Now I make a smoothie most every day, and in between, I make things like soup, hummus, even a cheese crust for my chicken pot pie. I’ve used it to purée chicken bones for my dogs and to blend veggie scraps to water my plants. So glad I didn’t wait to buy it!
I swear, I probably went through 10 blenders before buying a VM. The ice is what usually did them in…smoothies, margaritas, daiquiris, etc. Now I don’t have to worry about that anymore.
I went through 2 blenders, an oster and a ninja. My husband and I did a side by side smoothie taste test when I received the Vitamix and needless to say the ninja is no loner with us.
I had 3 different cheap blenders over the years. The cheap blenders were so frustrating. They would quit working just blending simple things like milkshakes. When we were in need of a good blender to help my grandma because she was on a liquid diet, we went with Vitamix and haven’t looked back! I blend way more with the Vitamix than I ever did with the cheap blenders, and I have not had any problems at all.
A friend told me about her VitaMix many years ago. I was really impressed with how strong it is. Bought one then and then was impressed with the BlendTec YouTube Channel and bought the BlendTec. Now I’m back to VitaMix and it’s much better than BlendTec or any other Blender I’ve used. Yeah, I tried the Ninja blender too and immediately returned it. I have found the VitaMix to be the best blender on the market.
I also own a NutriBullet 900 and use it for quick salad dressings, but it’s certainly not as strong as a VitaMix.
I had 3 blenders! One worked pretty good at first, the other two left pieces and chunks! Was getting so frustrated with my smoothies, but loved them. Even bought a juicer, but didn’t like it. My Vita Mix is wonderful and I have had many great, smooth drinks from it. Love the soups I have made this winter!!!
I went through three blenders & a nutribullet. Then I had lap band surgery and my blender still didn’t quite do it so I got a small food processor. I received my Vitamix for Christmas this year and wish I would have bought one 8 years ago. It would have made my life so much easier because I am a freak about textures and I have to be careful about the size of things that pass through. The Vitamix has made a world of difference.
received a typical blender when we were married. used it only once or twice (total!) and kept it hidden in my cabinet. hated cleaning it, hated the results, hated looking at it…thus the minimal usage. After 10 yeas of marriage, we purchased a Vita-Mix and leave it on my countertop and use it multiple times per day. Only regret is that we did not own a vitamix sooner when we were in the ‘baby food making’ stage of our family…would have been sooooooo much easier. LOVE LOVE LOVE my vita-mix!
Aimee – that is my story, and it is as if you took the words RIGHT out of my mouth. I’ve said so many times that I wish I’d purchased a Vitamix when my boys were babies. Back then I thought the price was too high. Little did I know that one day a Vitamix would be the tool to help me restore my health, or that I would be selling them, and now believe completely they are worth EVERY penny! 🙂
I had a magic bullet before my VM. It was ok because I had no idea what a VM could do. I bought one thinking it would not be that different–BOY WAS I WRONG! I am sure I annoyed everyone as I walked around for days saying “My smoothie is SMOOTH!” over and over. Than I made almond butter and the world really changed for me! Don’t even start on the margaritas, ice cream, etc.
I feel healthy and really in charge of my nutrition now–and it is FUN! That is my word for the VM–FUN!
We had been eyeing the vitamix for over 3 years but couldn’t justify the high price so kept buying cheaper blenders – 2 osters, 4 bullets .,finally ended up tossing all of them & now love love love the vitamix!
I have only ever owned one blender, it was a wedding gift. My mother got a Vitamix last summer and I was dreaming of the day I could get one. My blender broke after I attempted to make smoothies like my mothers Vitamix. (needless to say it was a total fail, but I still tried) I am not trying to decide which Vitamix to get. I make smoothies for myself, so I am tempted to get the personal s55, but I also want to make other things and be able to make drinks for “girls-night-in”. The other option is the 750. I have always been indecisive, so hopefully I will be able to make the decision to be a Vitamix Owner soon.
I had an Oster for several years. Those were the years I was making from drinks from concentrate so it worked just fine. I got rid of that due to non-use and then got married. My husband wanted to start drinking green smoothies so we bought a Magic Bullet. He chocked down chunkies for a few months and finally when we had some unexpected money come our way we splurged on our Vitamix. No more chunkies in our house! Green smoothies are now smooth! We also love making our almond milk and nutbutters in our Vitamix; I’d never try that in the Magic Bullet.
2 blenders. I also replaced parts often. I hated taking everything apart to clean and then having to worry about losing the gasket.
I had a couple Oster blenders and one Hamilton Beach. Then I ‘upgraded’ to a Magic Bullet and while it did an ok job, I couldn’t do large quantities with it. I saved up and got my Vitamix 750 and have never looked back! Sure wish I would have had one years ago!
I had 4 blenders before getting my Vitamix. The Vitamix BQI is superior!
I just had to send my Vitamix in for maintenance so I was forced to use another type of blender and decided I would have to live without smoothies until I get my Vitamix back. I just can’t get past the grainy texture and chunks from the Bullet. I already knew I would be living without my nut butters and vegan cheese sauce. I really hope I get my Vitamix back soon!
Vitamix is my third blender. First one (Waring) was a wedding gift almost 45 years ago, it broke after using it mostly for making ice cream shakes for the most part over a period of 25 to 30 years. Replaced it with a Kitchen Aid, sorry I didn’t know about the awesome Vitamix at the time I purchased it. Just months after buying it I saw a demo for the Vitamix and knew that I needed to start saving for the day the Kitchen Aid broke, as now I was making smoothies every morning. I was blessed about two years ago when I went to a grocery store grand opening and entered the drawing for the Vitamix 5200, and a week later got a call that I had won!!! It took me a couple months to get up the nerve to try my new Vitamix, but once I did I have never looked back. The texture of my morning smoothies is perfect, no more chunks of fruit or veggies that the other machine could not blend. Have recently become adventurous and made chocolate avocado pudding and peanut butter with my grandsons, AWESOME!!! Thanks Vitamix and thanks to the awesome support I have discovered on Lea Ann Savage’s Facebook page from her and all the participants in that group!!!
I’ve had about 3 regular blenders, the Montel Williams health master, 2 magic bullets. I’m so glad I finally got a vita mix! !!
I had a an Osterman that I loved but it was not great like the Vitamix but it was good for margarita’s. I have a Kitchenaid once I got married and I swear that thing never, ever worked right. It leaked, it did not chop ice and soup? No way. I got my Vitamix about 3 years ago, 5200 with 2 wet containers and 1 dry. I love it. I makes soup, ice cream, smoothies, wet chops for me super easy and fast – onions are not my friend. It is just a great addition to any cooks kitchen. I also like smoothies are a meal and the texture is perfect in my Vitamix.
I had a couple of Oster blenders, but if I tried to use the liquify button to crush ice, I was sadly disappointed. When I went to our state fair & saw the demonstration, I was hooked! I have not been disappointed. I make a double smoothie, nut butter, nut milk, sauces…the list goes on.
I have a snazzy red refurbished 5200 and a dry container caught at a great price. I LOVE IT! I don’t make many smoothies but let me tell you, smooth is the word! We had a Girl Scout meeting and made smoothies for our snack badge. A blender wouldn’t even mix the ingredients. My Vitamix tore them up. I grind wheat berries in the dry container (no need for an even more expensive mill). Today I’ll throw in some salt preserved lemon wedges, cilantro, jalapenos, onions, garlic, etc and grind that up then pulse in some canned tomatoes for salsa. Yum! Thank you LeaAnn for being so awesome amazing to all of us.
While I didn’t go through many blenders I have an array of kitchen gadgets. I have a friend that works for vitamix & when she saw my new cuisinart food processor she said, “you should get a vitamix” I laughed, “I will be ok w/o a fancy blender, I don’t blend much” *my blender was a beautiful osterizer beehive blender from the 40’s which still works. Well, after some thought I purchased one. I made a smoothie.. WOW! It was delicious! So, many fruits/veggies my family enjoys them. I’ve also made sauces, marnades, dressings & dips! My boys like hot chocolate and my girlfriends the margaritas using whole foods! It’s worth the expense as we SAVE $ by not throwing away expensive fruits & veggies or resorting to processed foods & mixes. For Thanksgiving I roasted my own sugar pumpkins and made my own pumpkin puree for homemade pumpkin pie- I even used the skins! It was easy, beautiful and healthier than store bought! Nothing was wasted *no CANS to recycle! I really love it. While I still use my cuisinart food processor, my kitchen-aid mixer my vitamix is a kitchen game changer.
Went through about 3 blenders b4 getting our Vitamix.